Here’s what’s been on offer for Tenth Doctor fans.
Doctor Who ORIGINAL magnaclamp as used in the Doctor Who (2006) story Doomsday featuring the Daleks and Cybermen.
The prop is used at the end of the episode where the Doctor devises a plan to suck the Daleks and Cybermen back into the void.
Only 2 magnaclamps were made, this has been screen matched to the one used by David Tennant, as both have unique weathering.

The magnaclamp features a Torchwood bar code.
The LED lights still work, but the red light doesn't.
The magnaclamp does show signs of wear and tear ,which obviously is common for screen used items.
This is a VERY VERY heavy( over 5 kg ) prop made of metal and vac form plastic.
Doctor Planet Of The Ood
Restricted Area Sign
Here we have a lovely screen used Ood sign from the David Tennant story "Planet of the Ood", various styles of sign can be seen throught the story.
This sign is very impressive and makes an exellent display piece, early new series props are extremely rare especially items that referance lead monsters such as the ood.
Evolution Of The Daleks
New Seres Dalek Hemisphere
Here we have a rare opportunity to aquire a screen used part of an original new series Dalek!!
This Hemi was part a SFX Dalek that was destroyed in the episode Evolution of the Daleks, new series Dalek props are impossible to get hold off, this hemi was discarded after it came loose in the explosion but was rescued from the being thrown away.
Evolution Of The Daleks
New Series Dome Section
Here we have a rare opportunity to aquire a screen used part of an original new series Dalek!!
This Dome section was part a SFX Dalek that was destroyed in the episode Evolution of the Daleks, new series Dalek props are impossible to get hold off, this dome section was discarded after it came loose in the explosion but was rescued from the being thrown away. The paint detail is fantastic and shows the level of talent at BBC SFX.
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