Sunday 26 April 2009

First full shots of new coat

At last! At last! The coat is finished and here it is!!!

Can’t blame me for having a little fun in my first time in front of a camera with it, eh?
I took these in a local underpass, which I think gives it a suitable grungy feel. Better than just in the back garden like on previous coats!

First a little sonic action, though again, I can’t find my new series sonic! It must be here somewhere - just don’t know where!

Click to enlarge
The a bit of action photography!

Finally a good view of the back of the coat.

Click to enlarge
I’ll be getting some more pictures soon, some close-ups showing details in the coat; some out and about wearing it.

Let me know what you think.

And just so you know what I was mimicking in my photos, here is a comparison with the official publicity stills!

Click to enlarge
Again, let me know what you think!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is so, so amazing. Not only the coat, but your skills at duplicating the promo shots are incredible! I bet it was great fun... I love those pictures.

  2. So is this right after ten's regeneration? I didn't know YOU were replacing him! I guess given all those new sonic's were damaged/lost you had to go back to the old model.

    That is awesome though, looks great! That first side by side pic makes me think of "The Next Doctor" ( ) Allons-y!

  3. Coat is absolutely Fantastic. Now need to get a suit that matches the Dr.'s

  4. That coat is awesome. I would say it looks a bit to pale, but I read your one post so never mind

  5. So can you tell us how many yards of fabric you used for this?

    1. oh - I think it was about 5 or 6 from what I recall (width 1.5 metres)

  6. I think your coat looks great! I want to have one made so it's of high quality as your is.
    Do you have a pattern, and a list of close materials? I would really like to make this coat.
